Carotecnews comment: The article and videos contain strong emotional content. We believe that victims, families and loved ones deserve to be heard. We do not necessarily endorse all of the content providers (or their theories or views.)
First published on November 26, 2022
We are being accused of “spreading disinformation” regarding the Covid-19 vaccine.
The Reuters and AP media “trackers” and “fact checkers” will be out to smear the testimonies of parents who have lost their children.
“Once the Lie becomes the Truth, there is no moving backwards. Insanity prevails. The world is turned upside down.”
Let us be under no illusions, the Covid Jab is not only “experimental”, it’s a Big Pharma “killer vaccine” which modifies the human genome. The evidence of mortality and morbidity resulting from vaccine inoculation both present (official data) and future (e.g. undetected microscopic blood clots) is overwhelming.
The official data (mortality and morbidity) as well as numerous scientific studies confirm the nature of the Covid-19 mRNA vaccine which is being imposed on all humanity.
Peer reviewed reports confirm the causes of vaccine related deaths and “adverse events” (injuries) including among others blood clots, thrombosis, myocarditis, cardiac arrests.
The stated objective is to enforce the Worldwide vaccination of 8 billion people in more than 190 countries, to be followed by the imposition of a digitized “vaccine passport”. Needless to say this is a multi-billion dollar operation for Big Pharma. It’s a crime against humanity.
The global vaccine project entitled COVAX is coordinated Worldwide by the WHO, GAVI, CEPI, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in liaison with the World Economic Forum (WEF), the Wellcome Trust, DARPA and Big Pharma which is increasingly dominated by the Pfizer-GSK partnership established barely four months before the onset of the Covid-19 crisis in early January 2020.
The Covid 19 “Vaccine” from the very outset in January 2021 has been conducive to a Worldwide Upward Movement in Mortality
This is Not Manslaughter. It’s Murder
Yes, It’s a killer vaccine. That message should be loud and clear.
This is happening all over the world: children and adolescents are dying.
Crimes against humanity, crimes against our children.
Less than two months following the launching of Pfizer’s mRNA “vaccine”, a mass funeral protest was held for children who died after receiving the vaccine in Geneva, Switzerland (January 29, 2021)
Myocarditis, Cardiac Arrest: “Young People Are Dying”. Sudden Death on a Massive Scale
The Vaccine Safety Research Foundation has recently released Until Proven Otherwise— a short video documentary about the corroborating findings of two leading cardiologists.
Our Children Are the Victims
Share the following videos far and wide showing what parents have already gone through in losing their children.
Sofia Benharira, 16 years old, dies following the Pfizer vaccination.
Covid Vaxxed Pregnant Mothers. Miscarriages. “Precious Babies Who are No Longer Living”
Our Athletes are Dying
Video below which documents news reports of “1,000 Athletes Collapsing, Dying, Heart Problems, Blood Clots – March 2021 To June 2022.”
The Criminality of Pfizer is Beyond Doubt
But did you know, Pfizer has already a Criminal Record with the US DOJ for “Fraudulent Marketing”.
And Nobody Knows About Pfizer’s Criminal Record because the Media Fails to Report It.
Can we trust a Big Pharma vaccine conglomerate which in 2009 pleaded guilty to criminal charges by the US Department of Justice (DoJ) including “fraudulent marketing” and “felony violation of the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act”?
In 2009 Pfizer was put on “Probation” by the US Department of Justice:
“As part of the settlement, Pfizer also has agreed to enter into an expansive corporate integrity agreement with the Office of Inspector General of the Department of Health and Human Services. That agreement provides for procedures and reviews to be put in place to avoid and promptly detect conduct similar to that which gave rise to this matter.”
Corporate Integrity??? Where are the procedures and reviews?
That “similar conduct” by Pfizer is being repeated in 2020-2022 on a much larger scale than that of 2009.
What is unfolding is the Worldwide “fraudulent marketing” of a “killer vaccine”, which constitutes a crime against humanity.
Bombshell. Pfizer’s Mea Culpa
Pfizer Reveals in a secret report (declassified under freedom of information) that its mRNA vaccine is a “killer vaccine”. The evidence comes from the “Horse’s Mouth”
“By February of 2021, Pfizer had already received more than 1,200 reports of deaths allegedly caused by the vaccine and tens of thousands of reported adverse events, including 23 cases of spontaneous abortions out of 270 pregnancies and more than 2,000 reports of cardiac disorders.
Bear in mind, this is Pfizer’s own data.
In a twisted irony, the data revealed in this “insider report” refutes the official vaccine narrative peddled by the governments and the WHO. It also confirms the analysis of numerous medical doctors and scientists who have revealed the devastating consequences of the mRNA “vaccine”.
What is contained in Pfizer’s “confidential” report is detailed evidence on the impacts of the “vaccine” on mortality and morbidity. This data which emanates from the “Horse’s Mouth” can now be used to confront as well formulate legal procedures against Big Pharma, the governments, the WHO and the media.
Pfizer was fully aware that the mRNA vaccine which it is marketing Worldwide would result in a wave of mortality and morbidity. This is tantamount to a crime against humanity on the part of Big Pharma.
Pfizer knew from the outset that it was a killer vaccine.
It is also a Mea Culpa and Treason on the part of corrupt national governments Worldwide which are being threatened and bribed by Big Pharma.
No attempt has been made by the governments to call for the withdrawal of the killer vaccine.
People are told that the vaccine is intended to save lives.” (Michel Chossudovsky)
Click here to read Pfizer’s “confidential” report.
National Health authorities claim that the Covid-19 “vaccine” will save lives. That’s a lie.
“If you permit this to go ahead [vaccine], I guarantee, there will be avoidable deaths of perfectly healthy children and severe illnesses in ten times as many. And for no possible benefit. Knowing what I know from 40 years training and practice in toxicology, biochemistry and pharmacology, to participate in this extraordinary abuse of innocent children in our care can be classified in no other way than Murder” –Dr. Michael Yeadon, prominent scientist, former Vice President of Pfizer
“This vaccine campaign will go down as the biggest scandal in medical history, … moreover, it will be known as the biggest crime ever committed on humanity.” –MP Christine Anderson, Member of the European Parliament, July 2022
What is Presented above is but the “Tip of the Iceberg” of what is happening Worldwide
This whole process is “profit driven” in the billions, sustained by scientific fraud and disinformation.
Worldwide “Big Money” Vaxx Operation
Over a two year period, more than 12.9 billion vaccine doses were administered across 184 countries (Bloomberg, September 21, 2022, see graph below).

Recorded September 21, 2022: 12.9 Million doses adminstered (mid December 2020- September 21, 2022)
Mid March 2023, the estimated number of doses administered Worldwide is in excess of 14 billion, for a total World population of 8 billion people. (1.75 doses per person for a World population of 8 billion).
The scale and social impact of this vaccine operation are beyond description. It’s a war against humanity in its entirety.
The Unspoken Truth: We are dealing with a highly profitable multibillion dollar operation which is predicated on increased levels of vaccine related mortality and morbidity.
The legitimacy of politicians and their Big Money sponsors must be challenged.
We must act with a single voice nationally and internationally.
Our First Task is to disable the fear campaign
The COVID-19 “vaccination” programme should be halted immediately worldwide.
Please forward this article to friends, colleagues, family. Global Research is the object of censorship. The search engines will not pick it up.
For a more detailed and comprehensive analysis. See Michel Chossudovsky’s recently released book on the Worldwide Corona Crisis. Click here: FREE Download
The Worldwide Corona Crisis, Global Coup d’État Against Humanity
Destroying Civil Society, Engineered Economic Depression
By Michel Chossudovsky
ISBN: 978-0-9879389-3-0, Year: 2022, Product Type: PDF File, Pages: 164 (15 Chapters)
Translations in several languages are envisaged. The book is available in print form in Japanese. 仕組まれたコロナ危機:「世界の初期化」を目論む者たち
As a means to reaching out to millions of people worldwide whose lives have been affected by the corona crisis, we have decided to distribute the eBook for FREE.
Price: $11.50. FREE COPY Click here to download.
In this September interview, Michel Chossudovsky outlines recent developments pertaining to the Covid-19 mRNA Vaccine.
Video: Prof. Michel Chossudovsky and Caroline Mailloux$/embed/chossudovskyEN02092022/cc409e5faaa35200069c2b8b589637309887946b?r=HyveKi5oGgp3vxngBfvLg9bxf9Cz5LZ6
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Is the Vaccine Safe?
If your remain unconvinced on the dangers of Big Pharma’s Vaxx, have a look at the following carefully research video which according to Dr. Gary G Kohl is:
“a must-watch, totally-truthful, science-based, vaccinology-literate video for anyone who is considering getting a booster (or even an initial jab)”.
Video, click lower righthand corner to enlarge screen
Source: JRickey Productions Studio