Is your DNA an EMF Antenna?

Is your DNA an EMF Antenna?

Carotecnews comment: We are sending a short video explaining how our DNA is a fractal antenna in electromagnetic fields. We are reminded of Rudolph Steiner’s 1924 comments on electricity and health: “You must consider the whole part being played by electricity in...
The hazards of electromagnetic frequency radiation

The hazards of electromagnetic frequency radiation

Carotecnews comment: We are sending this article which details the hazards of electromagnetic frequency radiation. The American Cancer Society confirms that the incidence of new invasive cancer cases will hit record highs this year.Here you will find...
Border Crisis 

Border Crisis comment: We are posting and emailing Whitney Webb’s investigative article on the border “crisis” to provide a high level of analysis to the immigration issue. Webb exposes the agenda that is manufacturing consent for a total surveillance state that...