Carotecnews.com comment: We have written about Barrie Trower’s work for a long time. This video answers many questions about the vast range of the use of microwave technology, frighteningly a well-established part of the military industrial complex.
Winter Weather Whiplash

Winter Weather Whiplash

Carotecnews.com comment: We are posting this 90 second video by Dane Wigington because it highlights a plausible alternative explanation for January’s weather phenomena. Wigington also mentions the fact that fungal infections are on the rise as well as the prospect of...
The True Covid Dissidents

The True Covid Dissidents

Carotecnews.com We are posting two videos by “Amazing Polly.” The first is titled “Phony Covid Dissidents—Beware the Dream Team Narrative Police” and the second “The True Covid Dissidents Tried to Warn Us From the Very Beginning.” Phony Covid Dissidents exposes a...
Exposing the Global Climate Engineering Cover-Up

Exposing the Global Climate Engineering Cover-Up

Carotecnews.com comment: Dane Wigington’s Geongineeringwatch.org is chock full of interesting information. This video, “The Dimming” is no exception. We encourage all to consider Wigington’s work. Carotecnews.com comment: Wigington’s 90 second update may explain the...
Weird Scenes from Laurel Canyon fascinating history

Weird Scenes from Laurel Canyon fascinating history

Carotecnews.com comment: We post this interview to the Carotecnews.com news site because the late David McGowan was one of our favorite authors. This interview aptly tells the story of McGowan’s Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon.  What’s most intriguing about Weird...